All Saints' Church Thornton Hough


Lent 2021

Lenten Conversations: On the Bible’s Back Roads

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliott

This year’s Lenten reflections give us the opportunity to travel together through some roads less travelled in the Bible. I have picked three readings for us to share from Rob Green’s daily Bible reading notes each week during the lead-up to Holy Week, when there will be a daily reading as we move towards Easter Sunday.

Three readings a week should help everyone to pace themselves; think of them as gentle explorations. If you would like to challenge yourself and access each day’s reading, they will be available via Rob’s blogspot: or you can ask Rev Vicky for a set of printed copies.

These sets of weekly readings offer each of us a personal quest: how will we respond to the different situations presented to us in the readings? How might the notes and questions which the author offers us challenge, provoke or chime with us? They also offer us an opportunity to quest and question together.

The weekly opportunity to share our musings and meanderings on Tuesday evenings on Zoom from 7.30pm are open to all from your PC, laptop, tablet, or telephone. (Yes, there is a UK phone number to dial for you to join in and the charges are your standard UK telephone charges!). The details for joining the Zoom sessions may be found by clicking here.

If you are receiving the first “nosebag” of readings in printed form and would like to continue the series, please phone Rev Vicky on 0151 336 2766 so that these can be made available to you.

Sets of readings for All Saints'

Revd Rob Green's introduction to the material

Readings for week 1 - discussion on Tuesday 23rd February at 7:30pm via Zoom

  1. Ash Wednesday: February 17th: Cain – Genesis 4 v 1-17: ‘Am I my brother’s keeper’.
  2. Saturday February 20th: Melchizedek: Genesis 14 v 18-20; Psalm 110 v 4; Hebrews 7 v 1-22: ‘You are a priest for ever’.
  3. Monday February 22nd: Bezalel and Oholiab: Exodus 31 v 1-11: ‘See I have chosen…’

For printing: Notes for week 1 

Readings for week 2 - discussion on Tuesday 2nd March at 7:30pm via Zoom

  1. Wednesday February 24th: Balaam:  Numbers 22: 1-38; 24: 1-13: 
    ‘I could not…go beyond the command of the Lord’
  2. Friday February 26th: Deborah: Judges 4: 4-16; 5:1-9: ‘I, Deborah, arose’.
  3. Sunday February 28th: Ruth: Ruth 1: 1-18: ‘Your people will be my people’

For printing: Notes for week 2 

Readings for week 3 - discussion on Tuesday 9th March at 7:30pm via Zoom

  1. Thursday March 4th: Omri: 1 Kings 16: 15-28: ‘But Omri did evil’
  2. Saturday March 6th: Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah: Daniel 3:1-30: 
    ‘Look! I see four men…’.
  3. Sunday March 7th: Esther: ‘Esther 5:1-8; 7:1-8 : ‘If it pleases the king.’

For printing: Notes for week 3 

Readings for week 4 - discussion on Tuesday 16th March at 7:30pm via Zoom

  1. Tuesday March 9th: Joseph: Matthew 1:18-25: ‘Joseph her husband was a righteous man’
  2. Thursday March 11th: The Samaritan Woman: John 4:1-26:‘I who speak to you am he
  3. March 14th: The One who is ‘for us’: Mark 9: 38-41: ‘…because he was not one of us.

For printing: Notes for week 4 

Readings for week 5 - discussion on Tuesday 23rd  March at 7:30pm via Zoom

  1. Wednesday March 17th: The Man healed of Leprosy: Luke 17:11-19: ‘Were not all ten cleansed?’
  2. Saturday March 20th: The Centurion: Matthew 8:5-13: Go! ‘Let it be done just as you believed it would’
  3. Passion Sunday March 21st: The Canaanite Woman: Matthew 15:21-28: ‘Woman, you have great faith’ 

For printing: Notes for week 5 

Readings for week 6 - discussion on Tuesday 30th  March at 7:30pm via Zoom

  1. Wednesday March 24th: Tabitha: Acts 9:36-43: ‘Tabitha, get up’
  2. Friday March 26th: Lydia: Acts 16:11-15,40 : ‘The Lord opened her heart…’ 
  3. Saturday March 27th: Bartimaeus: Mark 10:46-52:‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.’

For printing: Notes for week 6 

Readings for week 7

  1. Maundy Thursday April 1st:  The Disciple whom Jesus loved: John 13:1-30:
    'Lord, who is it?’
  2. Good Friday April 2nd: The Repentant Criminal: Luke 23:32, 39-43:
    ‘today you will be with me in paradise.’
  3. Easter Eve: Saturday April 3rd: Joseph of Arimathea: Luke 23:50-56:
    …he asked for Jesus’ body’
  4. Easter Day: Sunday April 4th: Cleopas and Companion Luke 24:13-35: ‘Were not our hearts burning within us’

For printing: Notes for week 7 

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