All Saints' Church Thornton Hough


Music List

Septemebr 2024

Sunday September 8th   Fifteenth Seventh Sunday after Trinity

10:30am Holy Communion

Service booklet: Ordinary Time

Hymn: AM 676 Immortal, invisible, God only wise (V1 lines 1&2 Unison, V4 Unison)

Gloria: Appleford

Old Testament reading: Isaiah 35: 4-7a (p. 720)

Gradual hymn: AM 669 I heard the voice of Jesus say

Gospel: Mark 7:24-37 (p. 1010)

Offertory hymn: AM 358 Be still for the presence of the Lord

Sanctus and Benedictus: Appleford

Agnus Dei: Appleford

During the Communion: Psalm 23 (Walford Davies in E) {Sheet}

AM 681 In heavenly love abiding

Final hymn: AM 742 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Lyngham)

6:30pm Evensong

Book of Common Prayer (Shorter Prayer Book)

Responses: William Smith

Hymn: AM  571 We bring you, Lord, our prayer and praise (Wiltshire, V1 & V6 unison)

Psalm 67 (ACB 240 Havergal in C; watch out in the Gloria!)

Old Testament reading: Exodus 14:5-31 (p. 71)

Magnificat: Stanford in B-flat

New Testament reading: Matthew 6:1-18 (p. 970)

Nunc Dimittis: Stanford in B-flat

Anthem:  O for a closer walk with God (C.V. Stanford) {Bronze Book}

Hymn: AM 129 Lord teach us how to pray aright


Hymn: AM 289 To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise (v4 unison)


Sunday September 15th    Sixteenth Seventh Sunday after Trinity

10:30am Holy Communion

Service booklet: Ordinary Time

Hymn: AM 805 There is a Redeemer

For the Gloria: AM 415 Glory in the highest (from “Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1”, Elgar)

Old Testament reading: Isaiah 50:4-9a (p. 738)

Gradual hymn: AM 135 Take up thy cross, the Saviour said (V6 unison)

Gospel: Mark 8:27-38 (p. 1012)
Offertory hymn: AM  612 Christ triumphant, ever reigning (V3 & 4 in harmony)

Sanctus and Benedictus: Appleford

Agnus Dei: Appleford

During the Communion: Thou visitest the earth (Maurice Green) {Bronze Book}

AM 284 For the fruits of all creation

Final hymn: AM 739 Now thank we all our God (V3 Unison)


Sunday September 22nd   Harvest Thanksgiving

10:30am Holy Communion

Special order of service

Hymns: AM 282 Come ye thankful people come (V1 lines 1-4 Unison, V4 Unison)

            AM 287 Praise and thanksgiving, Father we offer

            AM 533 All Things Bright and Beautiful (V5 Unison)

            AM 290 We plough the fields and scatter

Anthem: Look at the world (John Rutter) {Chester 2011 “Creation”}

Readings: 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (p. 1194)

Matthew 6:25-33 (p. 971)


Sunday September 29th   St Michael and All Angels

10:30am Holy Communion

Service booklet: Ordinary Time

Hymn: AM 826 Ye holy angels bright

Gloria: Appleford

Old Testament reading: Revelation 12:7-12 (p. 1241)

Gradual hymn: AM 164 You are the King of glory

Gospel: John 1:47-51 (p. 1064)

Offertory hymn:  AM 663 How shall I sing that majesty

Sanctus and Benedictus: Appleford

Agnus Dei: Appleford

During the Communion:  Come ye with joyfulness, come sing (Piitoni)

AM 322 Around the throne of God a band
AM 452 Let all mortal flesh keep silence

Final hymn: AM 589 Angel voices ever singing round thy throne of light


Sunday October 6th    Nineteenth Seventh Sunday after Trinity

10:30am Holy Communion

Service booklet: Ordinary Time

Hymn: AM 754 O worship the King, all glorious above

Gloria: Appleford

Old Testament reading: Genesis 2:18-24 (p. 4)

Gradual hymn: AM 621 Dear Lord and Father of mankind

Gospel: Mark 10:2-16 (p. 1014)

Offertory hymn: AM 144 How deep the Father’s love for us

Sanctus and Benedictus: Appleford

Agnus Dei: Appleford

During the Communion:  Draw us in the spirit’s tether (J.H. Oosewaarde)

 {Chester 2009 “The fruits of the spirit”)

AM 602 Blest are the pure in heart

Final hymn: AM 547 O Lord of every shining constellation (V1 & V5 Unison)



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