Children are an important part of our worshiping community and we aim to offer loving support to parents and their children of all ages.
We warmly invite you along to our Sunday Services. We have a regular weekly service at 10:30am; other services are shown on our noticeboard and on the website.
We are delighted to welcome families into the church. We recognise that all children come with their own needs. There are books for children to read and an area at the front of the church where pre-school children can sit with their parents and engage in ‘quiet play’ or drawing and colouring
If you would like more information, please talk to Revd Vicky Barrett or to Sue Stinson.
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Toybox is a baby and toddler group which forms part of the children’s work within All Saints’ Parish Church. The group is organised and run by church volunteers and we will do all that we can to help you feel part of Toybox.
Our aim is to provide a friendly environment where you can make friends while the children enjoy themselves.
Toybox is aimed primarily at pre-school children with age appropriate toys and activities provided for 0-3 year olds.
Toybox will operate (usually) on the second Monday morning of each month during term time: 10:00am – 11:30am, in All Saints’ Parish Church Hall on Church Road.
We are happy for child minders to come to Toybox. If you are a child minder, please discuss your circumstances with us before you register.
Format of the morning
10:00 – 10:45 Free play
10:45 – 10:55 Refreshments (ride on toys put away)
10:55 – 11:10 Craft activities and smaller toys/puzzles
11:10 – 11: 30 Story time and singing
There are some responsibilities for parents and carers to facilitate the smooth running of the group and these are highlighted in the following pages.
The parents and carers are fully responsible for their own children at all times. Church helpers will be there to provide assistance if required, but they cannot be left with the responsibility of caring for your child. Please note that our policy is that parents/carers attending the group must be over the age of 16.
Children are not allowed into the kitchen and must be supervised by their parent or carer if they go to the toilet or leave the main hall for any other reason.
Toybox is organised by Christians. We welcome people from any or no religion. Our desire is that you are able to make good friends with people in a similar position, enjoy time at Toybox with your child/children and that you feel safe and welcome.
We aim to keep the cost of Toybox to an affordable amount. We charge £2 per family for each session. All money received will go directly to the church and be used to cover our expenses. Costs will be reviewed annually. If the cost would prohibit you from coming to Toybox, please discuss this with a helper. We would like to be able to subsidise families in this position.
Church Choir
Children (and parents too if they wish!) are welcome to join the choir. They should be able to read English and enjoy singing. Training will be given. Choir practice is on a Friday from 7.00pm to 8.15pm. For more information please contact the Director of Music.
The children’s work at All Saints’ Church is led by church volunteers. The leaders have been checked through the government’s Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and helpers are made aware of their safeguarding responsibilities. Our Safeguarding Policy can be viewed on the church website.